Roots for Community Wellbeing provides foundational support to Approaches to Community Wellbeing (ACW) department and to the region, offering information and assistance to ensure that the department’s programs and services are delivered in effective, sustainable, and culturally appropriate ways.
This includes roles such as collecting and analyzing data, producing community and regional health status reports, and providing health planning and program evaluation. In doing so, we are working to provide the First Nations we serve with information and resources to make the best health decisions possible.
- Health status reporting
- Health surveillance
- Immunization Repository
- Support community data requests
- Support for community and regional public health planning
- Support for program evaluation
- Health Policy Development
- Support communities with resources, training, and meetings to use the information available from research, evaluations, and health status reports in a way that has a positive impact on community
- Maintain an inventory of communication materials and support ACW’s health communication strategy
- Fund and support Community Wellbeing Facilitators at 5 Tribal Councils and 2 independent communities to support communities to adapt and adopt the Approaches to Community Wellbeing model.
Anishininiiwug Ajimoowin Animisewiinan:
Mental Health and Substance Use Report
Community Health Indicator Engagement Report
Information Management Needs Assessment
Our Children and Youth Health Report
Health Outcomes of our People Report
Learning from our Ancestors (Mamow Ahyamowen report and SLFNHA level report)