Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction


The Harm Reduction program offers a variety of services, support, supplies, and education related to substance use and sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections (STBBIs). Our diverse team aims to use a wholistic, culturally safe, and community-led approach to decrease the harms related to substance use and high-risk behaviors.


  • Needle Distribution Service consultancy, support, and supplies
  • Dried Blood Spot Testing campaign consultancy, support, and supplies
  • Suboxone program consultancy
  • Naloxone education, training, and supplies
  • Safer needle pickup education, training, and supplies
  • Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection education, resources, and workshops
  • Substance use education, resources, and workshops
  • Mental Health First Aid First Nations training
  • Reducing stigma education, materials, and workshops
  • Harm reduction and Indigenous harm reduction education, resources, and workshops

Downloadable Educational Resources

For more information:
