The Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) has been notified that there are cases of COVID in the following communities:
Sandy Lake First Nation – two cases identified – The individuals are doing well and are isolating in the community.
Cat Lake First Nation – one case identified – The individual is doing well and is isolating in the community.
Case and contact management has started and the SLFNHA Preventing Infectious Diseases (PID) team will closely monitor the situation. This reinforces the importance of maintaining the line of defense the communities have worked so hard to maintain. We must continue to remain vigilant in our efforts to keep the virus out of the communities. Avoid unnecessary travel. Keep to a single social bubble. Observe public health measures rigorously. Isolate and test returnees on entry and 5-7 days later.
We continue to emphasize the importance of deciding to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available in your community. We encourage all who are eligible to get vaccinated. The vaccine will: protect you, protect your loved ones, slow the spread of the virus, and help end the pandemic.
We continue to encourage adhering to public health measures. This includes: physical distancing, handwashing, wearing masks/face covering in public where physical distancing cannot be maintained, staying in our social bubbles, and avoiding unnecessary travel. We emphasize the importance of avoiding the 3 Cs: close contact, crowds and closed spaces.
If you have any community member with symptoms that could be caused by COVID-19, please contact your nursing station to be assessed as a matter of urgency.