The Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) has been notified that an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 in the community of Deer Lake First Nation. The positive case has been detected in one of the health care workers at the nursing station. The community Chief is aware of the situation. The individual has no symptoms and is isolating safely. An update will be provided as the situation develops.
Investigation and contact tracing has started and the SLFNHA Preventing Infection Disease (PID) team continues to work closely with community health staff to prevent the spread of infection. The SLFNHA PID team continue to support the community health staff with public health management of the case.
We continue to encourage adhering to public health measures. This includes: physical distancing, handwashing, wearing masks/face covering in public where physical distancing cannot be maintained, staying in our circles as much as possible, and avoiding unnecessary travel. We now emphasize the importance of avoiding the 3 Cs: close contact, crowds, and closed spaces.
If you have any community member with symptoms that could be caused by COVID-19, please contact your nursing station to be assessed as a matter of urgency.