COVID-19 Case in communities


The Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) previously notified that there have been positive tests within the following communities: six positives in Kasabonika Lake First Nation, one in Sandy Lake First Nation, and one in Pikangikum First Nation.
We would like to inform that contact tracing has been completed and there have been 10-15 close contacts identified with each case. All have been tested and all have been negative. In addition, there have been over 100 swabs completed in each community on other members who have had low risk exposure/symptoms/concerns. All results are negative to date. All individuals are doing well and the self-isolating period is coming to an end.

Thus far, these cases seem to be contained, some have finished isolation and the rest will be ending their isolation over the next 3-4 days.

This represents an impressive effort by the community pandemic team, the community leadership, the nursing stations, SLFNHA, tribal councils and other partners. Preparation has been a key element in making responses comprehensive and timely.

The SLFNHA Approaches to Community Wellbeing – Preventing Infection Diseases (PID) team continues to work with community health staff and pandemic teams to support the public health management of the cases. We would like to acknowledge the community pandemic teams for their remarkable efforts to keep their communities safe.

The most important public health messages are:

  • If you have symptoms which could be caused by COVID, contact the nursing station for assessment
  • If you have had close contact with a known case, contact the nursing station for assessment.
  • Close contact is unmasked contact, for 15 minutes, less than six feet apart and involvement in activities where you touch common surfaces frequently, share utensils etc.

We continue to encourage adhering to public health measures. This includes: physical distancing, handwashing, wearing masks/face covering in public where physical distancing cannot be maintained, staying in our circles as much as possible, and avoiding unnecessary travel.